An innovative online solution, that predicts and optimises time in all phases of the logistics cycle
and efficiency of logistics
Improving the economics
GSCP — Improving the economics and efficiency of logistics companies
Scroll down to know more
of logistics
and efficiency
at the container shipping stage
What is happening now at the container shipping stage
What is happening now
Trucks arrive at the terminal area on the day the containers are unloaded from the ship
It can take several days from the date of container pick-up to shipment due to terminal congestion
This increases drivers' working hours, fuel consumption and vehicle downtime at terminals
Logistics companies' vehicles sometimes stand idle in terminals for days, waiting for their turn to load containers
stand idle in terminals for days, waiting for
Logistics companies' vehicles sometimes
their turn to load containers
Delivery speed
Due to the long downtime of trucks in terminals, the speed of delivery of containers to customers is significantly reduced
Fuel economy
Trucks spend a lot of extra fuel during their downtime and unnecessary movements in terminals.
Our platform provides real-time forecasts of container loading dates at the terminals. This enables companies to optimise it's route network and save time and fuel.
Once the containers have been loaded onto the vehicle, their location can be tracked in real time on the map in the mobile app
Once the containers have been loaded
in real time on the map in the mobile app
onto the vehicle, their location can be tracked
The platform's predictive
The platform's predictive artificial intelligence will save logistics companies up to 34% of costs
artificial intelligence will save
logistics companies up to 34% of costs
Global Shared Container Platform___Global Shared Container Platform
Logistics companies do not need to introduce new equipment or software
процессы в морском терминале будут такими
Logistics companies do not need to introduce
new equipment or software
All the relevant information about containers is collected in our platforms database
After analyzing the received information, the platform offers an online solution